Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lulu's Birthday

A year later and what a difference.  Last year on this day Lulu and I flew back to Guangzhou leaving Robert and Eliza behind in Nanchang in order to get Jackson medical care.  We thought we might have to leave China all together to get to a hospital in the states but this was the day that things started to turn around.  J ate a cracker and drank some fluids and we saw a pediatrician who assured us we were crossing to the other side of whatever this was.  Martin, one of our guides, sent up some beers to our room and we were grateful to have a cautious toast to the turnaround and Lulu's not-so-favorite birthday.  So in honor of this day - and a much more fun birthday this year - one of Lulu's presents was....
Today was also our final social worker visit.  Lots to celebrate. 

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