Remember these 2 babies? They shared the same foster mother for the first 8 months of their lives.
Well today was the Eliza and Mei Lin reunion. It was so much fun to have both families together -- and only a tiny bit confusing to the girls since they are both still called "Mei Mei" a lot of the time. I guess it's because they both have older siblings and it's easy to make the endearing "Mei Mei (little sister in Chinese)" stick. Thank you Mei Lin's family for finding time to fit us in during your extremely busy trip to California! It truly was a pleasure to see you all and to see the girls together again. And we really have Mimi and her gymnastic talent to thank for it all! Hope to see you again before you leave town.
That's so great that you got to get the girls together! It's wonderful that you can help them maintain that connection. I found Mia's 2 foster sisters...but they were adopted by Canadians. I doubt there are any trips to Montreal in the near future....