Friday, July 20, 2012

Ojai with Dylan + Sienna

Jackson's buddy and his family came to spend a day with us in Ojai.   Beyond fun.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Farmers Market with Mei Lin & family

One last day to spend with Mei Lin, Mimi & their family before they head back to Washington.  Thank you, again, Mei Lin's family for staying in touch -- and for making time for us with your hectic fun-filled travel schedule.  Safe travels and we hope to see you soon.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

"She's almost a princess"

Jackson spent a good part of this afternoon painting his sister to make her a princess (too much Shrek-watching?  Where does this come from?).  I will try to post a video of all the energy spent on this endeavor.  It's pretty funny -- especially when he tells her "don't worry, you are almost a princess" and then explains they are going to make a show and post it on Youtube.

Note: No Mei Mei's were harmed in the making of this "show" and in fact, she quite enjoyed it.

The Hollywood Bowl

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mei Mei (Eliza) + Mei Mei (Mei Lin)

Remember these 2 babies?  They shared the same foster mother for the first 8 months of their lives.

Well today was the Eliza and Mei Lin reunion.  It was so much fun to have both families together -- and only a tiny bit confusing to the girls since they are both still called "Mei Mei" a lot of the time.   I guess it's because they both have older siblings and it's easy to make the endearing "Mei Mei (little sister in Chinese)" stick.  Thank you Mei Lin's family for finding time to fit us in during your extremely busy trip to California!  It truly was a pleasure to see you all and to see the girls together again.  And we really have Mimi and her gymnastic talent to thank for it all!  Hope to see you again before you leave town.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Guests, Outings & Independence Day...

Starting with Auntie and Uncle's visit to L.A. which included a trip to the beach, fishing, some lovely meals out (and at home), lots of playtime with dollies and light sabers -- and best of all, great company.