(1) About 6 months ago I decided to prepare Jackson for the soon-to-be loss of his pacifiers. We were going to the dentist and I was sure she was going to scold me for being a terrible mother and allowing him to continue to sleep with a paci. So I told him the tale of the "paci fairies" who were going to come soon, not now, but soon, and take the pacis away for all the littler boys and girls who need them. Of course, they'd leave him an amazing present in return for the pacis that would make so many kids who needed them happy. J's response to this tale was to PANIC for the next few days about when they were coming, why they were coming, and to tell me he wasn't interested in any kind of gift these fairies might bring. The tale made him so anxious that I started to cave -- and then the dentist didn't yell or judge me -- so I took the tale back assuring him he had lots of time before his pacis would go away. Cut to this morning. Six months later and no mention of any fairies in all that time. Jackson wakes up and yells "momma" and I go to his room to say good morning. Jackson, all bleary eyed, looks up at me and tells me the paci fairies came last night. I say, "They did? Really?" Then he says "they aren't coming to take my pacis because they told me that they are going to go to the stores to buy new pacis for all the kids that need them." He was so very happy.
(2) Eliza went to the doctor today to get some more injections. We are still catching up from what she missed in China and trying to spread things out. She was very aware of what was going on and tensed up immediately when the nurse came in. Then she cried that cry that is so different from any other cry she's ever had because someone has hurt her and I am holding her and letting it happen. And I can't explain yet why this seemingly awful thing is good for her in any way. It's awful for her. And just as awful for me -- without the physical pain part. She was sad the whole way home in the car. Then we came in and got a bath ready but she just stood by the door to Jackson's room saying "room." So we let her in and she said "Jackson." Then "bed." She crawled into Jackson's big boy bed and lied down and said "Jackson" and patted his pillow. Then she fell asleep in his bed wanting to be close to her brother.
Both stories are absolutely beautiful, both children healed themselves, found comfort in a truth they could understand. XO