Monday, February 27, 2012

A Tiny Window...

of happiness at the park today.  Eliza seems to be going through some big developmental changes right now.  Signs of turning "2" are everywhere.  It's way too early for this!!!  Not only is she starting to use a lot more words but she has started throwing tantrums  -- and she is whining and crying to get everything.   Lulu is away so that probably isn't helping her mood.
Also, a tiny window of good weather.  It rained before we got the park -- and right after we left.  So we got a good hour of play before naps.  Ah, an hour of pure happiness.

Friday, February 24, 2012

School Show

Once again, J sang a few words and then stood there paralyzed.  These shows may not be boding well for future rock star status...

Second from bottom on left side of bleachers

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Old Dog, New Tricks

How does this happen?  After 11 years, Drexyl has decided to change his ways. He's been sleeping in our bed since he's a pup.  The past 3 nights he's gone missing in the middle of the night.  I get up to take care of someone's wet diaper, missing paci, fill in the blank -- and he's gone.  I run all over the house and eventually find him in Jackson's bed.  Jackson, whose room is completely clear of toys, stuffed everything, rugs, etc. -- and whose door is kept shut with an air filter running 24/7 for his asthma -- now has an 11 year old dog sneaking into his room at night.  Is it any wonder?


Of the 50 pics I took yesterday, these are the only ones where Eliza isn't just a big blur.  In class I kept thinking about that Paul Rudd line from "Knocked Up" -- "I wish I liked anything as much as my kids like bubbles."  

Friday, February 17, 2012

Old Friends & New Ones

Thank you Nat for coming so far to visit us.  It was way too short, though.  We love and miss you.   xox

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Funny Valentines

Cupcakes.  A perfect ending to a wonderful day with our two tiny valentines.  We woke up in the morning and made cards for Lulu.  We all exchanged gifts.  E & J bought Mama a necklace with 2 hearts on it - one for each of them.  J got a spiderman backpack for school, and E got a stuffed dog with ears that wag while he tells you he loves you (courtesy of the Hallmark Store).  We had a tiny bit of morning candy -- and then J was off to school, and E went to gym class where she happily flew in a tiny plane.  Then we played at home, went to Eli's to say Happy Valentine's Day, Mama tried a delicious new recipe for dinner (thank you Auntie Deb), baths, and off to bed. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Crossing Over: More Here than There (2/2/12)

Doctor's appointments and a lousy cold caught by ALL of us at the same time has led to this most important post being a day late.  Forgive me, runny-nosed Eliza!  Yesterday was an adoption milestone.  Eliza spent 252 days in the care of her foster family and the Tonggu SWI.  And yesterday was the day she has been with our family for 253 days!  We are so grateful to have our happy-determined-smiley-spicy girl in our lives.